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Work Package Lead, WP1
Working Packages
Participatory Geo-Spatial Information Modeling of Land use Practices in Project Areas
This theme investigates and models the impact of human activities on land-use/cover types and their effects on climate change. PGIS tools shall be used to track changes in destruction of forest cover over the past in the project area.
It will also predict future scenarios of the overall impacts of green charcoal innovation on curbing deforestation.
Outcome of WP5:
Participatory GIS model to predict the potential of green charcoal innovation in Northern
Uganda in reducing deforestation successfully developed, tested and applied
- Participatory GIS to model socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects of green charcoal innovation linking to energy consumption and deforestation produced.
- Research on Participatory GIS modelling results published.
- Research seminars with stakeholders.