Developing Inclusive Innovation and Climate Mitigation: Model and Methodology
This theme investigates applicability of participatory methodology and change laboratory methods in the adoption of green charcoal innovation within the context of inclusive innovation.
The theme also explores community perspectives to alternative energy sources and climate mitigation, changing practices, and mindset change.
Outcome of WP6
Changed mindset and practices regarding energy use in households and schools. A Framework for transformation of practices and entrepreneurial models and the development and scaling up of a green charcoal inclusive innovation model developed.
- Scalable model on green charcoal inclusive innovation developed.
- Research publication on inclusive innovation models on green charcoal and change lab methodology.
- Sustainability plan for green charcoal innovation model
- Research seminars reports with stakeholders
- Policy brief, produced/SDG Target 9.5; 9.6; 9.7, and 17.9; 17.16.
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Work Package Lead, WP1