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Danish Foreign Affairs Ministry Team on Monitoring Mission at Gulu University

Gulu University will on December 6, 2023, host a team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark as part of arrangements to monitor and ensure that Danish-funded programmes and projects at the university are well managed.
The team, which will be received through the Royal Danish Embassy (RDE) in Kampala, will particularly be interested in two projects at Gulu University: Building Stronger Universities (BSU) and Unlocking the Potential of Green Charcoal Innovations to Mitigate Climate Change in Northern Uganda (UPCHAIN).
The team includes Adam Sparre Spliid, the Deputy Head of Mission/Head of Cooperation at the Royal Danish Embassy in Kampala, Ole Dahl Rasmussen, Team Leader, Royal Danish Embassy, Andrew Thomas Bagoole, Senior Programme Advisor, Royal Danish Embassy, and Louise Møller Christensen who is on internship at the embassy.
“The overall objective of the on-site programmatic monitoring is to assess capacity and compliance, and to make recommendations on how we can do things better going forward,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark states in the team’s Terms of Reference.
The team will be received by Prof. Charles Nelson Okumu, the Chair of BSU and Secretary of the UPHAIN Advisory Board, Dr. Collins Okello, the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment and UPCHAIN Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI), and Dr. Agatha Alidri, the Coordinator of both BSU and UPCHAIN.
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